About Leyland Pedals
Here is the short version as you’ve probably heard it all before.
Handbuilt pedals - founded and run from one room, by one person. That’s me. I’m the person. Hello.
I take care in the pedals I make, and I take care in the people who buy them. My aim is to help anyone create awesome sounds, and great music with them. No year-long lead times, no unanswered questions. Maybe the occasional clone. So sue me (please don’t)
I hope you enjoy anything created here.
Long Version
Working at a desk or in someone else’s workshop sucks the juice out of my brain. I can’t ever concentrate, and when I eventually get my head down I usually do something wrong anyways. So I decided to take an electronics GSCE to try and learn more about the workings of my hobby, which was (and still is) audio and music - I’d soldered my own guitars and put a couple of kits together, but I really wanted to know what went on inside of pedal circuits. To the internet I went.
After searching up ‘boost pedal schematic’ to build for my GCSE practical assessment, I happened upon a simple transistor boost. I built it, and it worked! More volume acquired. At the time, one of the kits I had built (a MOSFET style boost) lived in my guitar, so I turned that on for Even More Volume.
HUGE fuzz sound occurred - I had no idea that I’d accidentally created some sort of weird, half FET fuzz face. That combined circuit was what I ended up building for my GCSE, which spawned me looking for more and more electronics to build and learn about. Coming up to December 2020, I finally started taking orders. My goal is still learning and making cool pedals for great people to make awesome music - but having fuel in my car because of it is a very good feeling. Thanks for reading! now go do something more productive